SNOW!!!So much snow last night. As some of you know, Steve and I are house sitting for his parents while they are serving a mission. Well, last night we got the biggest dump of the season! We went to a movie while the wind was blowing and the drive-way was clear.
We got back to 14 inches in the drive... When I say drive way, I don't mean like a regular drive. It took us 2 hours to shovel about 1/5 of it and we finally gave up. We met at the movies so we drove separately. I tried to pull into the drive with my old car and got stuck. I tried to back up and slid into the road/sidewalk...
While there were many cars on the side of the road and many cars just driving by probably saying: "Look at those poor
shmucks!", there were the few that stopped to help. TWO people stopped to help us. Honestly, it took 20 minutes for all of us to get my car out. If it was just Steve and I, we probably wouldn't have been successful since I had three men pushing. Sorry babe, you're strong, but two extra guys helped a lot.
That is when I realized how we all can do better with helping others. Life is busy, but it should never be too busy to help someone out in need. Steve and I decided after our little experience how great it would feel to help out a little more. That is our goal and I will report. I challenge any of you who read this blog or have gotten through this post to do the same.
How have you helped others in need or how has some stranger helped you?